
Hey guys! I’m Amanda, designer of Amanda Yi Designs. I have been dabbling in digital scrapbooking going on 4 years now. I have been and always will be inspired by my little man, Aiden. He is 3, and I am a single SAHM with him when I am not in school. I attend college majoring in Sociology and minoring in Psychology. We live at home with my Mother, and I wouldn’t ask for it any other way. She has been a major part of my life, always been there for me and will never stop doing so. I just hope I can return the favor when I can! When I am not scrapping, which is most of the time LOL, I am either spending quality time with my son, running errands, cooking, baking, or watching a good flick! Reading use to be in that list of things to do, but lately its all scrap scrap scrap! I love meeting fellow girls in the digi community so please, don’t be shy! Thanks for checking out my blog and hope you come back soon!


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